The CloudCover 365 blog

All the latest news and updates from the CloudCover 365 team.

Important changes to SharePoint Backup

We’d like to make you aware of some recent changes to SharePoint backup procedures that may impact your backups within CloudCover 365. Microsoft has implemented changes that will now affect the backup of certain SharePoint components, particularly DWP (Data Web Parts), after May 2024. To ensure continuity in your backup processes, we strongly advise taking proactive measures, including running a specific PowerShell command provided by Microsoft. Understanding the Change The upcoming changes by Microsoft will render us unable to back up DWP (Data Web Parts) after May 2024. DWP encompasses

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Certificate Expiration

Due to the way Veeam interacts with Azure AD, CloudCover requires a certificate to be able to communicate with each other, however. This certificate now expires after 10 years. Once we’ve renewed the certificate on our end, you’ll need to run through the signup process to reauthenticate your organisation with Veeam. To do this, you can either click the Update Link button on the Settings tab of the web portal. If the certificate expires before you’ve run through the sign-up process, you’ll see an error on your job that looks

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The legacy approach to Teams backup is ending

CloudCover 365 will soon bring a new change in the way we ensure the data from Microsoft Teams chats are kept secure. By using CloudCover 365 we will back up your Microsoft Teams Data by using the just released Teams Export APIs. So, what does this mean for you and how can you prepare for this upcoming release. The legacy approach to Teams backup is ending. It has always been a challenge to backup Teams’ channel chats due to there being no distinct APIs to access and get messages from.

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Exchange Online Deprecation of Basic Authentication

Microsoft has recently announced the deprecation of Basic Authentication in Exchange Online. This blog summarises these changes. This information is based on an article by Microsoft which can be viewed in full here: Deprecation of Basic Authentication in Exchange Online. Why is Microsoft stopping Basic Authentication? Applications commonly use Basic Authentication methods to connect to services, servers, and API endpoints. This is where the application sends a username and password with every request and this information is usually saved on the device. This is often enabled by default and is

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Setting up your backup job

Once you’ve signed up to CloudCover 365, the next step would be to setup your backup job. Firstly, you’ll need to create a backup repository that will house your data. To create the repository, you’ll need to click the New repository button. From here, you’re presented with a dialogue box that will allow you to name it, select the retention type and how long you’d like to keep the data for. When it comes to the Retention Type, it presents you with 2 options, Item level and Snapshot based. Item

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Veeam Cloud Connect Certificate Validation Errors

Recently LetsEncrypt reported the Root CA was set to expire. Even though this was a planned occurrence, it still caused some issues with some customers, and certificate validation errors were still rarely occurring after the re-generation of new SSL certificates. We recently found a select few tenants continue to have certificate validation issues when targeting a Cloud Connect environment using LetsEncrypt SSL certificates. Due to a history of working with Cloud Connect and other SSL certificate issues with providers in the past. There is a workaround for any validation issues

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401 Unauthorised on SharePoint Sites

If you see an error like the below on your CloudCover 365 backup job, it means that Veeam is unable to read the SharePoint site. [Error] Failed to process site: (https://* The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized The highlighted string of characters indicate that the site was created by an application, which Veeam is unable to read. The resolution for this would be to exclude the site from the backup as the site won’t contain any data that needs backing up.

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