SharePoint Online Backup

Enterprise-ready SharePoint Backup and Recovery. Protect against accidental deletion, malicious modifications, cyber attacks and more with CloudCover 365.

Simplify complex SharePoint Backups with CloudCover 365

Ensuring data availability within SharePoint is crucial, but often difficult, due to SharePoint’s intricate and ever-growing structure. CloudCover 365 offers a simple way of protecting complex SharePoint data.

We’ve streamlined Veeam’s Microsoft 365 backup service, enabling organisations to protect and restore SharePoint assets with ease. Covering site collections, lists, document libraries, permissions, content types, sub-sites, views and more.

The SharePoint recovery process

CloudCover 365 goes beyond basic backups, offering granular restore capabilities that empower IT professionals with unmatched control over SharePoint data recovery.

  • Individual Item Recovery: Restore specific files, documents, or list entries within a SharePoint site or folder.

  • Rapid Recovery Times: Minimise downtime with fast restoration.

  • Search by File Name or Type: Utilise keywords or file extensions to pinpoint the exact data you require, streamlining the recovery process.

  • With custom SharePoint RPOs and RTOs, if you want to backup one specific SharePoint file for 30 years, and another for 30 days, you can. Simply create and schedule multiple, custom backup jobs in minutes.

  • and much more!

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SharePoint Backup key features:

Flexible recovery

Restore individual items or entire folders in minutes. Protect content types, document types, permissions, lists and more.

Advanced search

Utilise a granular search function, locate files by name and type across the Microsoft 3365 portfolio.

End user restores

Enable end-users to restore their own data through the portal 24 x 7 x 365 and reduce unnecessary support queries.

Custom retention

Create custom retention plans for individual items around your business needs to ensure data compliance.

Automated backups

Set and forget with CloudCover 365 – once configured, no additional maintainance is needed.

Job history

 View a complete history of your backup jobs, including what happened and when.

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SharePoint Online Backup FAQ:

Microsoft offers some backup functionality, but it is not be sufficient for robust data protection. Microsoft recommends using third-party backup solutions for added security and granular recovery options.

A third-party backup solutions offer several advantages:

  • Granular recovery: Restore specific files, versions, or entire sites instead of full recoveries.
  • Long-term retention: Protect data beyond the limited timeframes offered by SharePoint’s built-in features.
  • Disaster recovery: Prepare for unforeseen events like hardware failures or ransomware attacks.
  • Compliance purposes: Meet regulatory requirements for data retention and security.

The ideal backup frequency depends on your organisation’s needs. Consider factors like data sensitivity, update frequency, and acceptable downtime in case of data loss. CloudCover 365 offers flexible backups depending on your requirements, with the ability to backup data up to 12 times a day.

Take a tour or request a demo to find out more!

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